by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
No goods should go to waste or incineration. If no longer good to be used, the item can be sent for upcycling with Upcycle Labs - to become a new & vibrant home décor product made of 100% regenerated fashion material. The customers are rewarded with discount coupons...
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
LOOP offers multiple models for charity donation of the clothes: - free ship by-post option - direct donation at the charity shop - VIRTUAL CHARITY shop – for all charities to benefit from clothing donations – the innovative PEER 2 PEER resell model for the donations...
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
LOOP allows your customers to swap the items between themselves as another way of keeping your products in use for longer. And you get transparent view on your product’s post-purchase journey for the swap option as well.
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
LOOP digitalize the purchases of your customers to easily help them resell it on the LOOP marketplace when they no longer wear it. - Your customers help you extend the lifecycle of your product. - And you get full visibility of your products’ afterlife on the...
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
Savings Costs on RETURNS handling and limiting CO2 emission – introducing innovative LOOP Peer 2 Peer returns system. Rather than returns coming back to Retailer, LOOP offers alternative solution enabling returns to be sold in the same territory among existing LOOP...