by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
Your items will be upcycled into one of the following 5 items: (picture)
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
Yes, you will get notified when the process is complete, and the home décor made from your clothing is available to purchase!
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
Yes, we accept clothes even in the worst condition 🙂
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
This process can take up to a month, you will get notified when the upcycling process is complete and home décor made from your clothing is available to purchase.
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
Upcycling brings your old, ruined clothes back to life. LOOP has partnered with Upcycle Labs to turn your used clothes into home décor. The upcycled home décor is then available to purchase once the upcycling process is complete!