by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
Don’t want someone to copy your look? Don’t worry, simply change the settings for the clothing item you don’t want to show. We have 3 settings: public, friends and my eyes only.
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
Yes, LOOP is free to join!
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
BOOST YOUR CREDENTIALS: LOOP helps influencers improve their public image and differentiate themselves. Influencers commonly face backlash online for promoting fast fashion brands and encouraging weekly new purchases, however, with LOOP you can now offer your...
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
LOOP will do the hard work for you, your new online purchases will automatically, and your followers can see what items you just bought in real time. You can also upload items manually or share you content from Instagram directly to LOOP to show users how your...
by loop_user_8877 | Dec 12, 2021
Yes, if you have under 10k followers on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or Pinterest then apply to our fast track verified program. Our fast track verified program allows you become verified on LOOP by completing 10 sustainable and engaging tasks. Join our fast track...